Sunday of the Passion
Today, with the ancient Church, we remember Christ’s entry into Jerusalem to the cries and cheers of Hosanna! and the waving of branches. But the triumph of this day was hidden to all, only to be seen on Friday, and then Sunday. For the triumphant King will draw all creation into God’s heart when lifted up on the cross. So the ancient Church also read from a Passion account on this day.
Readers today: David Anderson, Assisting Minister; Chandler Molbert, Amy Thompson, Pr. Crippen (Matthew’s Passion)
Attached is a pdf for worship in the home on this day. There are some materials you might want to prepare before you worship that will enhance today’s worship in the home. (A list was sent Friday, and is also included in this pdf.) All the links to sound and video are now embedded in the pdf, so all you need to do is open it up, and as you pray, go to each link as you are ready.
Link to liturgy pages pdf: Passion Sunday A – 04-05-20
If you’d rather print these sheets and use the links in the email as in the past two Sundays, here are the individual links to each part:
Processional Gospel
“Ride On, Ride On in Majesty”
Prayer of the Day and Readings
Gospel Acclamation
The Passion according to St. Matthew
“My Song Is Love Unknown”
“Mundane and Mysterious,” Vicar Bristol Reading
“There in God’s Garden”