Mount Olive is a socially progressive parish that celebrates traditional liturgy.
We expect to meet God in our worship, in our Midtown Minneapolis neighborhood, and in our love and service to those around us. All are welcome.
Save the Date
Mount Olive Movie Night
Friday, February 21, 7:00 p.m.
Title to be announced.
Taste of Chile
Sunday, February 23, adult forum; gathering following the second liturgy
Global Ministry’s annual “Taste of” event highlights Educación Popular En Salud (EPES) based in Chile and its North American Counterpart, Action for Health in the Americas (AHA). They support sustainable, community-based public health initiatives that promote the dignity and rights of the poor in Chile.
Karen Anderson, a recently retired ELCA missionary who worked with EPES, will
present our adult forum.
After the second liturgy, we will gather for a meal of typical food from Chile. Please let Lisa Ruff ( know if you would like to prepare one of the recipes for the event or help with preparing, serving, or cleaning up that day.
NOTE: Confidential financial assistance is available for Mount Olive events that have associated costs. Speak with Pr. Crippen or the vicar.

Early Music Minnesota
Saturday, February 8, 3:00 p.m.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
“Storms, Gardens, Patience & Bliss”
Linh Kauffman, soprano
Marc Levine, violin
Tulio Rondón, cello
Tami Morse, harpsichord
Beloved soprano Linh Kauffman joins EMM for a program contemplating hope, longing, and happiness in the works of German composers Bach, Handel, and Schmelzer.
Free to Mount Olive members.