On a typical Sunday, 50 or so lay people volunteer to help celebrate our liturgies. They serve joyfully, knowing that worship is participatory. People aren’t obligated to help. They want to help.
People serve in a variety of roles.
- Assisting minister: Offer prayers, help serve communion, and join with the pastor and vicar as the principal leaders of worship.
- Sacristan: Organize altar servers, help serve communion, and act as thurifer (carry incense during festival liturgies).
- Acolyte: Lights candles, carry them in processions, act as crucifer (carry the cross), and help serve communion.
- Lector: Read passages from the Bible to the assembly.
- Greeter: Hands out worship folders, gather an offering, and guide worshipers to Holy Communion.
- Communion minister: Take communion to those who cannot be present.
- Musician: Sing or play a musical instrument for a liturgy.
- Altar guild: Set up the altar for communion or clean up after liturgies.
- Flower donor: Make a donation for the flowers that enhance our liturgies.
- Coffee host: Serve coffee and treats following Sunday liturgies.
Contact the church office if you would like to donate flowers or host a coffee hour.
People of all races, genders, sexual orientations, social status, and political outlook help with these tasks. It’s not uncommon to see an acolyte in her 70s serving alongside a teenager, or a mom and dad and their kids serving together as greeters or coffee servers. We are one community in worship and fellowship.
Contact the director of worship if you would like more information about a task. Thorough training is provided as the task requires.