Mount Olive offers opportunities for both choral and instrumental musicians.
Adults Singers and Players
Composed of more than 40 men’s and women’s voices, the Cantorei is the parish’s principal choir. Led by interim choir director Andrew Stoebig, the choir sings at the second liturgy on most Sundays and on most holy days throughout the year. Aside from anthems, the Cantorei often sings parts of the liturgy, making it less a performance group than an integral part of worship. The Cantorei is open to members and nonmembers. Contact the interim choir director for more information.
Instrumental opportunities
Several members and guests are accomplished musicians who contribute often to the congregation’s liturgies. Send an email to interim choir director for more information.
Children’s Music: The Choir School
The Mount Olive Choir School celebrates the joy of music and singing together and helps children fully participate in the Christian assembly. Choir School participants learn fun-to-sing music, psalm settings and antiphons, small liturgical leadership roles, hymns, and even full anthems.
Mount Olive Family Music
- For children ages 0 through kindergarten with a caregiver
- Mondays, 5:30–6:00 p.m., online (Zoom)
- Leader: Mari Espeland
Join in “God, My Family, and Me” from Musikgarten. Each household is given a packet of hand instruments, a CD, and other visual materials used in sessions.
Children’s Choir
- For singers in grades 1–4
- Wednesdays, 6:00–6:45 p.m.
- Leader: Mari Espeland
Sing, say, dance, and play as beloved children of God. Children learn how to be worship participants and leaders. They also develop musical skills by experiencing music and then gradually learning to read it.
This choir sings in the 10:45 a.m. Sunday liturgy approximately every six weeks. It combines with the Youth Choir on Christmas Eve for the 4:00 p.m. service.
Youth Choir
- For singers in grades 5 and up
- Wednesdays, 6:00–6:45 p.m.
- Leader: Rebekah Schulz
Join in singing, rhythm practice, story time, and learning to read music from a score. Interested young people might serve in helper/leadership roles.
This choir sings in the 10:45 a.m. Sunday liturgy approximately every six weeks. It combines with the Children’s Choir on Christmas Eve for the 4:00 p.m. service.
Meet the Staff
Mari Espeland
I love children and music. I am happiest when I can help children love music, especially on our faith journey! I have taught singing to children in churches, schools, and community choirs for 36 years.
Rebekah Schulz
I am Bekah, and I am so excited to make music with your children at Mount Olive! There is no more beautiful sound than young people singing together. I have been making music with children (and Mari and Cantor Cherwien!) for a long time, and it is my favorite thing. Together, we will create a beautiful, safe community.
For More Information or to Sign Up
Click here for a downloadable version of this Choir School information. For more details or to sign up for the Choir School, please send an email to Mari Espeland.