The Congregational Life Committee encourages Mount Olive members and friends to support one another in times of loss and transition, to celebrate together in times of joy, and simply to enjoy being together in ordinary times.
This wide-ranging ministry takes many forms.
- Communion Ministry: Take Holy Communion from our liturgies to members who cannot come to church.
- Congregational Care: Tend to those experiencing challenges.
- Friendly Calling and Correspondence: Contact individuals who need an empathetic ear.
- Hospitality: Ensure tasty food is served for congregational events.
- Prayer Shawls: Make shawls for those in need of prayer or comfort.
- Sunday Coffee Hour: Serve refreshments for gatherings following our liturgies.
- Transportation: Arrange rides to Mount Olive’s liturgies for members who cannot drive.
To volunteer for or to receive care through any of these ministries, contact the director of congregational life.
Communion Ministry
As an extension of Pastor Crippen’s ministry, each week communion ministers visit members of our congregation who are not able to attend a Sunday liturgy because of a short-term recuperation or long-term illness.
Visitors share the Eucharist, creating a connection to Mount Olive’s weekly worship.
- Typically communion ministers visit one or two members once a month.
- Visits are typically made Sundays but can be on other days.
- Each year communion ministers make more than 200 visits.
How you can participate
- Volunteer to become part of this rewarding experience.
Congregational Care
Congregational Care increases awareness of and ministers to the physical and emotional needs of individuals and their families who are experiencing challenges such as the loss of a loved one, job loss, health concerns, loneliness, parenting challenges, or caregiver stress.
This ministry is offered in a variety of ways. For example:
- Meals may be supplied to families experiencing the birth of a child or to others needing short-term assistance.
- When possible, people are directed to community resources as needed.
How you can participate
- Prepare and deliver meals.
- Visit individuals struggling with health issues or loneliness.
- Serve on this subcommittee.
- Request care from a volunteer by contacting the director of congregational life.
Friendly Calling and Correspondence
Friendly callers or writers contact individuals in the congregation who need an empathetic ear. Some people who receive calls are no longer able to worship at Mount Olive. Others attend our liturgies but otherwise have limited contact with the congregation.
This simple but significant ministry is carried out by callers who:
- Contact two to four individuals once or twice a month
- Have the ability to listen actively
- Refrain from trying to “fix” things for the person they call
- Draw their topics of conversation from the person they call
How you can participate
- Volunteer to be a caller or writer. (A short training session is provided.)
- Request calls or letters from a volunteer by contacting the director of congregational life.
The hospitality ministry ensures food is served for congregational events, ranging from funeral gatherings to purely social events such as festivals or community gatherings.
For funerals, families pay for the food that is served. Additional donations (always voluntary) support a variety of Mount Olive ministries. The ministry group sets up tables and provides simple decorations.
How you can participate
- Volunteer to cook, either at the church or in your home.
- Volunteer to help clean up, do the dishes, and make sure the kitchen is tidy.
Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawl Ministry creates knitted and crocheted shawls for those who are in need of prayer or comfort, and as reminders of the Mount Olive faith community’ prayers and support.
- Shawl makers use their skills and talents to create shawls of many sizes, shapes, and colors, and for many occasions: baptism, high school graduation, and times of illness or loss.
- Shawls are also donated to the chaplain at Abbott Northwestern Hospital.
How you can participate
- Whether you are skilled at knitting or crocheting or a beginner, you are welcome to join the group. Contact the director of congregational life.
- You may request a prayer shawl from Mount Olive’s pastor, vicar, administrative assistant, or director of congregational life.
Sunday Coffee Hour
Coffee and treats, usually served in the East Assembly Room, contribute to lively conversation after every liturgy.
The coffee hour coordinator will provide instructions and coaching for new hosts about the workings of the kitchen and recommended procedures.
How you can participate
- Come to the coffee hour to visit with friends and meet other members and guests.
- Sign up to host a coffee hour on the schedule posted in the East Assembly Room, or send an email to the director of congregational life.
- Pair up with an experienced coffee host to learn the routine.
- Form a team to serve for a special occasion—or just for fun.
Some people in the congregation, due to aging or other issues, need a ride to worship or church events. Volunteers may provide transportation occasionally or on a regular basis.
How you can participate
- Contact the director of congregational life if you would like to be matched with a driver.
- Volunteer to provide a ride for someone in need.