Stewardship is about our care for all of God’s creation.
Stewardship is giving money to the church, right? Yes, if we mean that giving money to support the mission of the church is an important part of stewardship.
But for Christians, stewardship is much more inclusive, not only about money.
We’re called to be bold, faithful stewards in the places we find ourselves planted—
- our homes
- our communities
- our jobs
- our congregations
and also in faraway places—
- southern Africa
- India
- Guatemala
Mount Olive’s stewardship ministry supports the annual budgeted mission of the congregation and emphasizes to members the grace of proportionate giving to God’s work.
Within their means, members and friends of the congregation respond generously to support the work we do together through the general-fund budget and through special appeals for building renovation and restoration, missions, and other purposes.
Our weekly reports also regularly show gifts designated for specific ministries, such as:
- Diaper Program
- ELCA World Hunger
- Mount Olive’s crisis fund
- Our Saviour’s Housing
The money we give, as well as the way we use our time and talents, demonstrate this important message: stewardship is about love.
Simply Giving
Members and friends of Mount Olive may make their contributions from their bank accounts through Simply Giving®, an electronic contributions program.
You may self-enroll or make one-time gifts through Simply Giving three ways:
- Click here for Mount Olive’s Simply Giving form.
- Contact the church office by phone (612-827-5919) or email.
- Aim your smartphone camera at the QR code printed on cards in the pew racks in our sanctuary.
The Simply Giving Program is operated by Vanco Payment Solutions.