Sunday’s Adult Forum
• October 27: “The On-Going Reformation: What Is It?” In this presentation, led by Dwight Penas, we will discuss Pr. Almen’s presentation from last week on the dialogue between Lutherans and Roman Catholics in the United States and explore how and why the dialogue is important (if it is).
• November 3: “Praying with Icons” A discussion about how icons are “structured” to draw us to prayer, how they can influence how and for what we pray.
Sunday Readings
October 27, 2013 – Reformation Sunday
Jeremiah 31:31-34 + Psalm 46
Romans 3:19-28 + John 8:31-36
November 3, 2013 – All Saints Sunday
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 + Psalm 149
Ephesians 1:11-23 + Luke 6:20-31
Be a Part of Something Special!
It’s difficult to commit an hour and a half of your time every week to something like Way to Goals Tutoring, one of Mount Olive’s vital programs to the neighborhood. However, you can still be a part of it by signing up to bring a snack and beverage for 14 students and nine tutors one night this year. The snack chart is posted on the Neighborhood Ministries bulletin board downstairs next to Donna Neste’s office. Just sign the chart for the date that you would like to bring your treats and have them at church before 7:00 p.m. on that date. If you have any questions, call Donna, 612/827-5919.
Update from the Treasurer
September was a financially challenging month. Our giving did not cover our costs, and even though we had five Sundays in September, the monthly giving totals were 10% lower than the same month in 2012.
In order to pay our obligations in September (salaries/benefits, building maintenance, insurance, etc.), it was necessary to borrow $10,000 from our line of credit. Although it is unknown what the interest on that loan will cost us, in past years we have spent an average of $1,350.00 on interest from this type of borrowing. This is an expense that we would rather use for our ministry.
There is positive news in our financial picture as well. Overall giving for the year is 2.7% ahead of last year. In past years we have needed to borrow against our credit line earlier in the year. Typically giving trends upward in the fall and we anticipate that this will happen again.
Please prayerfully consider this information as you make decisions about your offerings to the church in the coming weeks. I will continue to provide updates on the current finances in the Olive Branch and leave copies of the monthly Treasurer’s report in the office for those who are interested in more detail.
– Kat Campbell Johnson, Treasurer
The Great TRUST Auction
This Saturday, October 26, TRUST will have both a live and silent auction. There will be live music and dinner and great desserts. Plan to come and join the fun and support TRUST, which sponsors CoAM, Meals on Wheels, TRUST Youth, and many other ministries and services.
The event starts at 6:00 pm, and tickets are available from Carol Austermann; $20/adults, $15/seniors, and $5/kids under 10.
This event will take place at Lake Harriet Methodist Church, 4901 Chowen Ave. S. in Minneapolis. All are welcome.
Book Discussion Group
Mount Olive’s Book Discussion group meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at church. For Nov. 9, they will read Parade’s End, by Ford Madox Ford, and for December 14, The Optimist’s Daughter, by Eudora Welty.
“How Long, O Lord?”
Thursday Evening Bible Study Begins Nov. 7
In Psalm 13, David cries out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?” No doubt David is not the only one to ask God these questions, for here is not a household untouched by pain or suffering. Thursday evenings starting on Nov. 7, Vicar Beckering will lead a topical study on the Biblical witness to suffering and who God is for us in the midst of that suffering. This Bible study series will meet Thursday evenings in the Chapel Lounge from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and run for six weeks, with the exception of Thanksgiving. Each gathering will begin with a light supper. All are welcome!
Galatians Study at Becketwood
Pr. Crippen is offering a second run of the current six week Galatians Bible study at Becketwood Cooperative on six Tuesday afternoons. This study examines one of Paul’s most important and influential letters.
The idea behind offering a second time for this study is to provide a time during the day for this study (currently running on Thursday evenings at Mount Olive), and also to offer it in a place where it might be easier for some to attend than getting to church. The session on Oct. 22 will be in the lower level of the chapel at 2:00 p.m. Note: This is not only for Mount Olive members, nor is it only for those who live at Becketwood. It was just thought that this is a relatively central location, and having an afternoon meeting is better for some who don’t like driving in the evenings. All who are interested in this study are welcome! Becketwood is at 4300 W River Parkway in Minneapolis.
Congregational Care Committee Seeks Your Response
The art of giving and accepting care was the forum topic during the coffee hour on Sunday, October 13. Please consider providing your feedback by taking a minute to think about the following questions.
Are you aware of an unmet need for care and support at Mount Olive?
What kind of support do you wish was available for the need you identified?
Do you have particular skills or experience that you would like to offer to future congregational care and support initiatives?
Please call or email your responses to: Marilyn Gebauer, 651-704-9539, Peggy Hoeft, 952-835-7132, Warren Peterson, 952-935-9262, or Cathy Bosworth, 952-949-3679. E-mail address may be found in the Mount Olive Directory.
Attention Worship Assistants!
It’s that time again. In early November I will begin working on the Servant Schedule for the first quarter of 2014. Please contact me ( by November 1, with scheduling requests for January – March 2014.
– Peggy Hoeft
CoAM’s Annual Luncheon
You are cordially invited to join the Cooperative Older Adult Ministry (CoAM), for their annual fundraiser luncheon to be held at 12:00 Noon on Monday, Nov. 18, at Bethel Lutheran Church, 4120 17th Ave. S. in Minneapolis. With voices and instruments, From the Heart will perform songs that you grew up with. Tickets are $17. You may make your reservations today by calling 612-721-5786.
CoAM is one of the many organizations under the wide umbrella of TRUST, a network of South Minneapolis churches of which Mount Olive is a part, by volunteering for their Meals on Wheels, and our youth group connects with other TRUST congregations’ youth programs for service and social gatherings.
All Saints
On All Saints Sunday, November 3, we remember and celebrate those who have preceded us in the faith and now “from their labors rest.” We recite their names; we light votives in their memory. And in the Adult Forum that day, we’ll have a chance to walk among some of them. There will be a display of icons of some of our forebears in the faith. There will be a discussion about how icons are “structured” to draw us to prayer, how they can influence how and for what we pray. And then we’ll be free to view the icons, walking among the saints of old (any maybe not-so-long-ago), venerating them as we see fit.
If you have an icon that you would like to set among others, we welcome and encourage you to do so. Please, if you bring an icon for display, help us: Bring only icons of persons, not events. Put your name on the back of the icon lest it go astray. And identify the icon: Who is it? If the person is relatively unknown, why is that person memorable?
Names of the Departed Saints Invited
As a part of our All Saints liturgy on Nov. 3, members are invited to submit the names of loved ones close to them who have died in the past year, since last All Saints Sunday, who weren’t members of Mount Olive. (Members of the parish who have died are always named.) These other names submitted will be included in the prayers of intercession. There will be an opportunity to write these names this Sunday, or simply contact the church office. Please keep this to just those who have died this past year, so we can have a more manageable list.
Mark Your Calendars!
On Sunday, November 17, the Congregational Life Committee will hold a NovemberFest Fundraising Dinner. This German meal will be a fun opportunity for Mount Olive members and friends to visit with each other and guests, eat a wonderful meal prepared by members of our church, and help raise money for new ovens for the Undercroft kitchen.
More details to follow in next week’s Olive Branch!
Meals on Wheels Thanks
Many thanks to those from Mount Olive who delivered Meals on Wheels for TRUST during the third quarter of 2013: Gary Flatgard, Art & Elaine Halbardier, Bob Lee, and Rod & Connie Olson.
Theology on Tap
Faith journey conversations for folks 21 and up
When: Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7:30pm
Where: Longfellow Grill, 2990 W. River Pkwy, Mpls
Topic: That “small, quiet voice”– how and when do you hear it, what does it tell you, what gets in the way?
Contact: Bob Anderson, 952-937-8656
Our Thanks!
I cannot begin to thank everyone personally (and if I tried, I would no doubt overlook someone), so let me here thank all of you for your expressions of support and sympathy to our family on the untimely death of my mother. It was a complete surprise, and we were left in shock. But you, our family here at Mount Olive, surrounded us with affection and concern and loaned us your strength. This experience simply confirms what we have long known — that this congregation exists on purpose, to mirror and offer the grace of God to all in every need. Thank you.
– Dwight Penas, for Kathy Thurston, Erika Thurston, and himself