Dear Mount Olive Community,
There’s no avoiding one serious tragic aspect of this time of separation. We are not able to gather to express, gain strength, or powerfully feel God’s presence in the way that we usually find so deeply meaningful: singing together. This act is one of Mount Olive’s more distinct qualities and values and we miss it dearly.
During this time, it seems most appropriate to keep in touch with that aspect of our life together in whatever ways we can. Our use of recordings from past years (ironically, for “shut ins”) for our current virtual worship time seems most appropriate. Our corporate voice is heard in a strong fashion, even if we long for the day when it can be live again. I hope you consider singing along, even though this will be very different. We are grateful to David Molvik who has faithfully made these recordings over the years, and for Interim Cantor Chad Fothergill for helping format them for our current use. Who knew we would need them like this?
Also to that end, with this TWIG, I begin a series called “Cantor’s Corner,” giving us time and opportunity to learn more about these hymns we find so meaningful – especially now – and some inside sharing of what drives our treatments, or arrangements of them. I am making these available to both you at Mount Olive, and the community of the National Lutheran Choir.
I hope you find them meaningful.
Cantor David Cherwien