3 April 2020
Not unlike a river, when the downstream path becomes impeded, water always finds a way to continue its journey. As is God’s work at Mount Olive. This time separation in the last month has presented a great number of challenges for a congregation that LOVES, literally loves, being with each other in worship, in fellowship, and in service to our community.
The good news here is the new path forward being forged during this period of physical distance. I am so grateful for our amazing staff: for innovative ways that Pastor Crippen and Vicar Reading deliver the Word and teach Bible Study; for Cantor Cherwien and Interim Cantor Fothergill sharing the blessed music our hearts long to hear; for Jim Bargmann finding new ways to continue his ministry to our neighborhood; for Cha and her irreplaceable support of all our activities both new and old.
As you are aware, Governor Walz “Stay at Home” order means that our staff must work from the safety of their homes. As Sexton, James is the only staff member whose job duties cannot be performed “virtually.” Therefore, until the “essential service only” status from the Governor is lifted, James will remain at home with full pay. As I’m sure you can imagine, James is anxious to be back at Mount Olive as soon as possible.
The Vestry has been working diligently during this time to support the congregation as well. We are meeting online every Monday night to bring forward ideas, provide updates, and to ensure we have our ears and hearts open to the needs of the congregation. As a result, we have a large cadre of volunteers calling folks in the congregation to “Check-in,” visit, and ensure any needs are addressed, especially for the most vulnerable in our Mount Olive family. Additionally, group of healthy, less vulnerable volunteers have signed up to delivery groceries to those in the congregation that should not or can not go out for essential needs. Education and Youth & Family are working with the Godly Play team to engage our children.
There is some congregational business activity that will need to be postponed, most prominently, the Semi-Annual Congregational meeting originally scheduled for April 26, 2020. Although our constitution mandates this meeting occur in April, given the circumstances, it will need to be rescheduled. We have a slate of Vestry candidates that require a congregation vote prior to the July 1 start of the new terms on Vestry. Over the course of the next month, we will assess the need for an alternative form of voting if an in-person meeting is not feasible before July 1. However, the 2020 Nominating Committee has completed their work and the following list of candidates will be submitted to the congregation for consideration:
President: Gretchen Campbell-Johnson – 1-yr. term
(2 yrs eligibility remain)
Vice President: Mark Ruff – 1-year term
(1 yr eligibility remains)
Secretary: Gene Janssen – 1-year term
(2 yrs eligibility remain)
Treasurer: Doug Parish – 1-year term
(2 yrs eligibility remain)
Education: Katie Krueger – 3rd year of a 3 year term
Stewardship: Consuelo Gutierrez-Crosby – 3 year term
Missions: Judy Hinck – 3 year term
Worship: Dan Hellerich – 3 year term
Property: Carol Martinson – 3rd year of a 3 year term
Let me finish by saying this: I am so thankful to each one of you. Your resilience, care and genuine love for one another has been an extraordinarily beautiful example of Christ in the World.
Thank You,
Gretchen Campbell-Johnson
Mount Olive Lutheran Church, President