Love Made Visible Challenge—Celebrating Earth Day #50
Week 2 of 4
As we celebrate the Easter season and the new life spring brings, we call on all Mount Olive members to participate in daily expressions of this Love Made Visible Challenge as we care for our precious world: a time of stewardship, of challenge, a time to move forward together. On to Week 2!
Friday, April 24—Food Source Locally
Worship: God of provision, you gave to your people manna and quail in the wilderness. Open our eyes to the food that is right in front of us, that we may support our neighbors and be kind to creation. Amen
Inform: “Local food supports the local economy. The money that is spent with local farmers and growers all stays close to home and is reinvested with businesses and services in your community.” (MSU Extension)
Act: To support local producers, buy local products. For example, look for the Minnesota Grown label. Minnesota Grown is a partnership between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and producers of specialty crops and livestock in Minnesota. More information is available at
Saturday, April 25—Water
Worship: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3
Inform: Trash and organic pollutants flow through storm drains and into waterways. Organic pollutants encourage algae to grow, which blocks sunlight. Plants can’t grow. Fish and wildlife lose their habitat. When a lot of algae die, they create a dead zone. (Adopt-a-Drain)
Worship: “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4:2
Inform: “Environmental photographer James Balog captures the lives of everyday Americans on the front lines of climate change. With . . . compassion and heart, The Human Element relates captivating stories from coast-to-coast, inspiring us to reevaluate our relationship with the natural world.” (MNIPL)
Worship: “The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:12
Inform: Waste from hogs, chicken, and cattle in factory farms puts dangerous levels of nitrates into groundwater.
Act: A few options . . . (1) Visit this link to see meatless recipes shared by Mount Olive friends in response to last week’s invitation. (2) Keep it going – reply to this week’s email to share your favorite meatless recipe(s). (3) Explore this web site all about Meatless Mondays and pick a recipe to make.
Tuesday, April 28—Influence People
Worship: “Then all the assembly replied with a loud voice, “That’s right! As you have said, so it is our duty to do.” Ezra 10:12
Inform: Jana Larson, director of the Adopt-a-Drain program, said, “Even though many community cleanup events have been canceled, we can still honor Earth Day by taking joint action to protect Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. Adopt-a-Drain invites everyone to participate in a safe way during social distancing.”
Act: Help increase participation in Adopt-a-Drain by posting your experience, through writing, photo(s), and/or video, on social media with the hashtags #adoptadrain and #earthdaybirthday2020.
Wednesday, April 29—World Connectedness
Worship: Gracious God, we are thankful for our neighborhood, city, state, and country. Help us to be mindful of the ways in which our political and organizing voice can influence our government to improve our planet. Give us courage and hope. Amen
Inform: With “the emergence of COVID-19, … our country has gone from low unemployment and steady growth to a situation in which it is clear that government stimulus will be necessary to ensure that people can put food on the table and pay rent. … Investments in renewable energy, clean transportation, energy efficiency, and sustainable agriculture can put people back to work once the pandemic is behind us and lead to a greener future.” (MNIPL).
Act: Advocate for a green recovery. Send one or more letters to elected officials encouraging prioritization of programs that both strengthen our economy and address the climate crisis. Template provided here:
Thursday, April 30—Energy
Worship: Loving God, give us wisdom in our homes and hearths, that as we care for our own bodies and households, we also care for the earth. Amen (Creation Care).
Inform: On average, more than half of energy use in U.S. homes is for heating and air conditioning. (Energy Kids)
Act: Adjust your thermostat setting by two degrees (lower in winter, higher in summer) to lower energy bills by four percent and prevent 500 pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year. Fully open your shades in the winter to allow the sun to heat your home. In the summer, make use of the shades to block the sun and keep your interior cool.