Grace and peace, beloved in Christ!
Attached are links to help us all worship in the home, much as the ancient Church did (though without the Internet!).
Here is a pdf of a page with the liturgy, with a possible order for your worship, and the prayer of the day, readings, and hymn texts. You might want to open each link in a separate tab in your browser, otherwise you won’t be able to have the liturgical sheets open and also easily click on the video and audio. The links are all cued in these liturgy pages. 5 Lent A – 03-29-20
For the anthem by Cantorei, “Spirit Moving Over Chaos,” here is a link to listen:
Here is a link to a video of the Prayer of the Day and the Scripture readings for today:
Pr. Crippen preaches today. Here is a link to his sermon:
The hymn of the day, “Out of the Depths I Cry to You”, is heard at this link:
The last hymn, “What Wondrous Love Is This,” is heard at this link:
Grace and peace be with you all in this journey, until we gather together physically, God’s love and grace be with you all!