The eve of Pentecost has been for many years a night for a Vigil prayer service at Mount Olive, calling on the Holy Spirit to come in our midst. This night, in the midst of the grief and anger over George Floyd’s murder and the systemic injustice and racism and white supremacy that this was a part of, because of the unrest in our city, and the destructive elements burning our city who do not care for justice or for the legitimate, just protests, as well as because of the pandemic, we cannot gather. We need to stay home for the sake of our neighbors in more ways than we can name now.
We remember this night Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s prayer: “Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death.”
This liturgy is as we do it every year, with the exception that we cannot be anointed with oil as the sign of the Spirit’s dwelling in us. But the Spirit dwells in you, in me, in all God’s children. For that, we keep vigil with our city, our state, our nation, and our world, and pray, “Come, Holy Spirit.”
Attached is a pdf for worship in the home for this Vigil. There is only one link for the whole worship service. It is embedded in the pdf. You might want to print off the pdf for reference, since you will have the video on your screen for the whole time of worship.
Here’s the pdf with links:
Liturgy pages, Vigil of Pentecost – 05-30-20
Here is a link of the worship service if you’d rather link from here than the pdf:
Video, Vigil of Pentecost, May 30, 2020