Can we hear Ishmael crying in the desert, cast out from his family, see his suffering, and bring him back into the family?
Readers today: John Gidmark, lector; David Anderson, Assisting Minister
Attached is a pdf for worship in the home on this Sunday. There is only one link for the whole worship service. It is embedded in the pdf. You might want to print off the pdf for reference, since you will have the video on your screen for the whole time of worship.
Here’s the pdf with links:
Liturgy pages, 3 Pentecost Lect. 12 A – 06-21-20
Here is a link of the worship service if you’d rather link from here than the pdf:
Worship video, 3 Pentecost, Lect. 12 A, June 21, 2020
Pr. Crippen is on vacation from June 22 to July 5. Please contact Vicar Reading for any pastoral needs or concerns, at Vicar’s email, or by calling the church office, 612-827-5919, and leaving a message.
Looking ahead to Tuesday: Attached here is a copy of the readings for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Lect. 13 A, for use in the Tuesday noon Bible study. Links to that virtual study are included in the Olive Branch each week.