The week of Advent 1
For Advent prayer during the week, there are two things provided.
First, a recording of Compline (Prayer at the Close of the Day), the ancient office the Church has prayed as the faithful prepared to go to their rest at night.
The recording, made by members of the Mount Olive Cantorei, includes a video of the Mount Olive Advent wreath burning, and the text of the liturgy. You are invited to pray this every evening, or as you wish. The more this is prayed, the more it is internalized and becomes a grace that lives within the heart.
Download a pdf of the Compline liturgy.
Second, a devotion for use at any time during the weekdays. This brief prayer service could be used in the morning, or evening, or at the table. It begins with the lighting of the Advent wreath. (A simple circle of four candles works well, too.) Each week a new reading from Scripture and a second reading or poem will reflect on the previous Sunday’s themes.
Download a pdf of the devotion for week of Advent 1.